Never Have I Ever Questions Funny

Whether you're at a party, a family get-together, or even a work-related event (if you're risky enough), a good old game of "Never Have I Ever…" always hits the sweet spot. It will either serve as a fun ice breaker activity or a hilarious yet embarrassing round of confessions and heavy drinking. Click here to learn how to play never have i ever.

Without further ado, let's dive into the 280 never have I ever questions!

Never Have I Ever …

1. Never have I ever slept on the floor.

2. Never have I ever traveled alone.

3. Never have I ever broken someone's nose.

4. Never have I ever got lost in a mall.

5. Never have I ever wet myself in public.

6. Never have I ever fallen off the bed.

7. Never have I ever told a secret in a family dinner.

8. Never have I ever caused a fight, only to then just watch it from afar.

9. Never have I ever stolen something.

10. Never have I ever farted in an airplane.

11. Never have I ever quit a job on the first day.

12. Never have I ever walked barefoot on the streets.

13. Never have I ever broken something in a friend's house.

14. Never have I ever botched a job interview.

15. Never have I ever documented every single detail of a day on social media.

16. Never have I ever lied to my parents.

17. Never have I ever taken drugs.

18. Never have I ever gone commando.

19. Never have I ever jumped in the pool fully dressed.

20. Never have I ever mistakenly bumped a baby's head.

21. Never have I ever had more than one partner at a time.

22. Never have I ever had a rage fit.

23. Never have I ever spent money that wasn't mine.

24. Never have I ever read a full book in one day.

25. Never have I ever driven without a license.

26. Never have I ever pretended to be someone's friend to help them out of an awkward or dangerous situation.

27. Never have I ever kissed someone in public.

28. Never have I ever peed in the pool, with people nearby.

29. Never have I ever made a phone or video call while flying in an airplane.

— 30th of 208 Never Have I Ever Questions

never have i ever game

30. Never have I ever had a stalker.

31. Never have I ever eaten food in bed.

32. Never have I ever gone to a concert alone.

33. Never have I ever forgot someone's name, just after asking it a second time.

34. Never have I ever sold used items online.

35. Never have I ever paid a gym subscription without actually using it.

36. Never have I ever gossiped about someone as soon as they left.

37. Never have I ever been on a flight for more than 12 hours.

38. Never have I ever got fired from a job.

39. Never have I ever gone to cinema alone.

40. Never have I ever learned a new language.

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41. Never have I ever got a tattoo I've never told anyone about.

42. Never have I ever broken up with a partner the same day we got together.

43. Never have I ever eaten raw chicken.

44. Never have I ever kissed someone under the rain.

45. Never have I ever had more than 5 pets at any given time.

46. Never have I ever visited Roman temples.

47. Never have I ever slept completely naked.

48. Never have I ever vomited in public.

49. Never have I ever caused a fire.

50. Never have I ever seen a total or anular solar eclipse.

51. Never have I ever interrupted my boss in a work meeting.

52. Never have I ever traveled on a train.

53. Never have I ever collected a set of Panini stickers in an album.

54. Never have I ever screamed in public.

55. Never have I ever worked freelance jobs.

56. Never have I ever got lost in a foreign city, without speaking the local language.

57. Never have I ever created a false account on social media, then to actively keep using it.

58. Never have I ever ran over an animal while driving.

59. Never have I ever camped in the middle of the woods.

— 60th of 208 Good Never Have I Ever Questions

never have i ever questions funny

60. Never have I ever ghosted a partner completely.

61. Never have I ever sneezed underwater.

62. Never have I ever been slapped in the face.

63. Never have I ever eaten exotic food.

64. Never have I ever hurt my best friend's feelings.

65. Never have I ever given a pet for adoption.

66. Never have I ever bought unnecessary items, just for the discount.

67. Never have I ever felt an earthquake.

68. Never have I ever ran out of gas in the middle of nowhere.

69. Never have I ever got banned from a specific store or location.

70. Never have I ever done the position of this number.

71. Never have I ever been assaulted or robbed.

72. Never have I ever visited more than 5 countries. (More than 10? 15? 30? 50?!)

73. Never have I ever cried in the bathroom at work.

74. Never have I ever mixed white and colored clothes while doing laundry, causing it all to get tainted.

75. Never have I ever fought with a sibling.

We have more to offe r: Never Have I Ever Dirty // Clean Questions // For Teens // For Kids

76. Never have I ever found money on the street, and kept it.

77. Never have I ever seen a lunar eclipse.

78. Never have I ever accidentally killed a pet.

79. Never have I ever slept in a tent.

80. Never have I ever been in a sand storm.

81. Never have I ever worn clothes from a thrift shop.

82. Never have I ever caused a big loss for the company I work for.

83. Never have I ever had two separate cellphone numbers, for different purposes.

84. Never have I ever regretted a tattoo shortly after doing it.

85. Never have I ever unknowingly insulted a foreigner while traveling, with a gesture or a bad translation.

86. Never have I ever broken a bone in my body.

87. Never have I ever been trapped in an elevator for more than an hour.

88. Never have I ever booked a fancy hotel suite.

89. Never have I ever played paintball.

— 90th of 208 Best Never Have I Ever Questions

never have i ever questions clean

90. Never have I ever gone hunting.

91. Never have I ever got COVID-19.

92. Never have I ever witnessed an erupting volcano.

93. Never have I ever been in a limousine.

94. Never have I ever kissed someone with my eyes open.

95. Never have I ever sneaked into a party I wasn't invited to.

96. Never have I ever lost a connecting flight during a layover.

97. Never have I ever noticed I've been lied to, but acted as if I didn't.

98. Never have I ever fell asleep while driving.

99. Never have I ever collected a set of Pokémon cards.

100. Never have I ever spilled wine on expensive furniture at someone's house.

101. Never have I ever accepted help from a complete stranger.

102. Never have I ever had baby pee on me.

103. Never have I ever traveled on a bus.

104. Never have I ever been kidnapped.

105. Never have I ever been cheated on more than once by the same partner.

106. Never have I ever learned to do a new recipe during the pandemic.

107. Never have I ever got a piercing I've never told anyone about.

108. Never have I ever had an animal chase after me.

109. Never have I ever donated to a charity.

110. Never have I ever lied during a job interview.

111. Never have I ever done a TikTok dance.

112. Never have I ever been the only person watching a movie at the cinema.

113. Never have I ever dropped my pants in public.

114. Never have I ever gone to an Escape Room.

115. Never have I ever done a 10-hour movie marathon in one day. (More than 15hrs? 20hrs?!)

116. Never have I ever written a poem.

117. Never have I ever lied to my best friend.

118. Never have I ever had stitches from an injury.

119. Never have I ever loved and hated the same person.

— 120th of 208 Never Have I Ever Questions

best never have i ever questions

120. Never have I ever been in a snow storm.

121. Never have I ever mixed salty and sweet popcorn.

122. Never have I ever thought of hurting myself.

123. Never have I ever catfished someone.

124. Never have I ever fallen asleep while taking public transportation.

125. Never have I ever bought more books, knowing I will never read them all.

126. Never have I ever peed in the shower.

127. Never have I ever walked and bumped into a glass door.

128. Never have I ever cheated on an exam.

129. Never have I ever been in a car accident.

130. Never have I ever eaten food off of someone's body.

131. Never have I ever completely change university majors halfway through.

132. Never have I ever fell asleep in the shower.

133. Never have I ever slept in an airport.

134. Never have I ever gone to a place just for the sake of taking a specific photo or video for social media.

135. Never have I ever witnessed a tornado.

136. Never have I ever attended a video call for work from an unexpected location.

137. Never have I ever been in a soccer of football World Cup match.

138. Never have I ever watched a horror movie after midnight, by myself.

139. Never have I ever got blacked-out-drunk but staying "awake", to then see videos of myself the next day of things I did unknowingly.

140. Never have I ever learned a new skill during the pandemic.

141. Never have I ever got lost in the woods.

142. Never have I ever been left at the altar.

143. Never have I ever considered writing my own book.

144. Never have I ever been ghosted by someone I really liked.

145. Never have I ever seen a car accident happen in front of me.

146. Never have I ever spoken to a celebrity.

147. Never have I ever participated in a food eating contest.

148. Never have I ever lived (not visited) in more than 3 countries. (More than 5? 10?!)

149. Never have I ever sneaked into the cinema without a ticket.

— 150th of 208 Never Have I Ever Questions

never have i ever drinking game

150. Never have I ever been in an ambulance.

151. Never have I ever vomited while on an amusement park ride.

152. Never have I ever worn the same underwear multiple days in a row.

153. Never have I ever bought gym equipment for home, but never used it.

154. Never have I ever seen a building collapse.

155. Never have I ever fell asleep during a class.

156. Never have I ever acted in a theater play.

157. Never have I ever eaten snow.

158. Never have I ever built a big sandcastle, to only have a wave destroy it.

159. Never have I ever put a song on repeat for a whole day.

160. Never have I ever swam in a salt-water pool.

161. Never have I ever been catfished by someone.

162. Never have I ever participated in a beauty pageant.

163. Never have I ever bitten my own nails.

164. Never have I ever visited multiple countries in the same day.

165. Never have I ever been in a completely empty stadium.

166. Never have I ever had baby vomit on me.

167. Never have I ever spent my birthday alone.

168. Never have I ever dropped out of a university class.

169. Never have I ever participated in a protest.

170. Never have I ever cried in public.

171. Never have I ever stalked someone.

172. Never have I ever redecorated my bedroom in the middle of the night.

173. Never have I ever bought a very expensive gift for someone's birthday, to only get a cheap gift back on my birthday from the same person.

174. Never have I ever watched the same movie twice in one day.

175. Never have I ever considered selling all my belongings and go live in a remote location.

176. Never have I ever been in a layover inside the airport for more than 12 hours.

177. Never have I ever gone out with my best friend's partner behind their back.

178. Never have I ever sleep walked.

179. Never have I ever burned through my savings account.

180th of 208 Best Never Have I Ever Questions

never have i ever game questions

180. Never have I ever gone fishing.

181. Never have I ever tripped and fell in public.

182. Never have I ever eaten sand.

183. Never have I ever learned to play a musical instrument.

184. Never have I ever been put in the friendzone.

185. Never have I ever helped a complete stranger.

186. Never have I ever laughed so hard in public, making people look at me.

187. Never have I ever fell asleep on the toilet seat at work.

188. Never have I ever been featured on the news.

189. Never have I ever won a scholarship.

190. Never have I ever hit a friend in the face.

191. Never have I ever ripped my swimming suit by accident.

192. Never have I ever caused a birthday cake to fall on the floor.

193. Never have I ever acted as an extra in a movie, tv show or music video.

194. Never have I ever got married more than once.

195. Never have I ever bought expensive tools and equipment for a completely new hobby, only to then drop it off a few days later.

196. Never have I ever eaten my own snot.

197. Never have I ever been dumped on an anniversary.

198. Never have I ever taught a class.

199. Never have I ever prepared a midnight "snack" so elaborated that I ended up cooking a whole meal.

200. Never have I ever refused to accept a gift.

201. Never have I ever recorded myself crying.

202. Never have I ever fell asleep during a date.

203. Never have I ever walked in on someone in a public bathroom.

204. Never have I ever been to a str!p club.

205. Never have I ever seen a dead body.

206. Never have I ever taken pictures of meals before eating.

207. Never have I ever pretended to be someone I'm not.

208. Never have I ever been in the ICU.

209. Never have I ever sniffed a flower and put it in my hair.

210. Never have I ever kissed someone you know.

– Bonus Never Have I Ever Questions

209. Never have I ever played "Never Have I Ever."

210. Never have I ever stolen something from someone close to me.

211. Never have I ever eaten food from the garbage.

212. Never have I ever received a traffic violation.

213. Never have I ever snooped through a family member's or friend's belongings without them knowing.

214. Never have I ever walked over five miles.

215. Never have I ever snuck into the movie theatre without getting caught.

216. Never have I ever picked up a hitchhiker.

217. Never have I ever had a crush on a best friend's sibling.

218. Never have I ever got into a physical altercation with a good friend.

219. Never have I ever lied to get out of going to work.

220. Never have I ever looked through someone's phone without their permission.

221. Never have I ever performed on stage.

222. Never have I ever taken money that didn't belong to me.

223. Never have I ever told a friend a lie to get out of hanging out with them.

224. Never have I ever stayed up for 48 hours straight.

225. Never have I ever visited another country.

226. Never have I ever been suspended from school.

227. Never have I ever pretended I had a phone call to get out of talking with someone. [2]

228. Never have I ever thrown up in a public setting.

229. Never have I ever ditched out on paying the bill at a restaurant.

230. Never have I ever tried cutting my own hair.

231. Never have I ever given someone a black eye.

232. Never have I ever made money from performing on the streets.

233. Never have I ever told someone that I loved them without actually meaning it. [3]

234. Never have I ever embarrassed myself trying to look cool in front of someone I liked.

235. Never have I ever gone fishing on a boat in the lake.

236. Never have I ever taken a ride on a train.

237. Never have I ever gotten a tattoo that I later regretted.

238. Never have I ever thrown my own surprise party.

239. Never have I ever cheated on an important test in school.

240. Never have I ever dated someone because I was bored.

241. Never have I ever got bitten by a snake.

242. Never have I ever thrown something at mine or someone else's television.

243. Never have I ever went to the hospital for something embarrassing.

244. Never have I ever paid for something in all pennies.

245. Never have I ever been fired from a job.

246. Never have I ever shot a gun.

247. Never have I ever been to a Broadway play.

248. Never have I ever had a job that I absolutely despised.

249. Never have I ever starred in an embarrassing video that is now on the internet.

250. Never have I ever walked barefoot outside farther than my backyard.

251. Never have I ever taken the blame for something I've never done.

252. Never have I ever went camping without an RV.

253. Never have I ever seen or felt a ghost.

254. Never have I ever fallen in love with someone that didn't know I existed.

255. Never have I ever broken a bone.

256. Never have I ever taken my parent's car for a joy ride without them knowing.

257. Never have I ever been part of a talent show.

258. Never have I ever cried in front of a crush.

259. Never have I ever ate a whole carton of ice cream in one sitting by myself.

260. Never have I ever dyed my hair.

261. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

262. Never have I ever fallen in love at the first sight.

263. Never have I ever had a friends with benefits.

264. Never have I ever had a one night stand.

265. Never have I ever bragged about something I have not done.

266. Never have I ever experimented to see my sexual orientation.

267. Never have I ever said 'I love you' just to get laid.

268. Never have I ever spied on my neighbours.

269. Never have I ever doubted my heterosexuality.

270. Never have I ever made fun of someone.

271. Never have I ever watched keeping up with the Kardashians.

272. Never have I ever stole something with a higher value than $10.

273. Never have I ever really liked a song by Justin Bieber.

274. Never have I ever bet on something.

275. Never have I ever done a handstand with one hand.

276. Never have I ever stalked an ex's boyfriend or girlfriend on social media.

277. Never have I ever lied to a friend to avoid a greater evil.

278. Never have I ever escaped from class.

279. Never have I ever had an open relationship.

280. Never have I ever cheated on a test.

281. Never have I ever grabbed the wrong person's hand.

282. Never have I ever fallen in love with anyone through a social network.

283. Never have I ever lied in this game.

284. Never have I ever said an "I love you" without feeling it.

285. Never have I ever been kicked out of a bar.

286. Never have I ever logged into Facebook while drunk.

287, Never have I ever stuck gum under a desk.

288. Never have I ever bit my tongue.

289. Never have I ever stop remembering my first love.

290. Never have I ever done pictures in underwear.

291. Never have I ever refused a kiss.

292. Never have I ever been unfaithful.

293. Never have I ever lied to my parents about being hungover.

294. Never have I ever gone to the bathroom and then not wash my hands.

295. Never have I ever kissed someone of the same gender.

296. Never have I ever swam nakd in a pool / beach.

297. Never have I ever woken up drunk the next day.

298. Never have I ever got drunk.

299. Never have I ever kissed my best friend.

300. Never have I ever smoked mary jay?

301. Never have I ever eaten food that fell on the floor.

302. Never have I ever got drunk playing never have I ever.

303. Never have I ever screwed up at school.

304. Never have I ever been with the former love of my best friend.

305. Never have I ever seen a top less on the beach.

306. Never have I ever had a friend with benefits.

307. Never have I ever fought in the street.

308. Never have I ever fallen asleep on the bus and I've passed my station.

309. Never have I ever been in love with my teacher in college.

310. Never have I ever been robbed.

311. Never have I ever received a serenade.

312. Never have I ever sneaked into a party.

313. Never have I ever wanted to fall in love with my sister's/brothers friend.

314. Never have I ever made love with someone from the university.

315. Never have I ever been stuck in a lift.

316. Never have I ever Illegally taken something across the border.

317. Never have I ever lied to my parents about where I'm going.

318. Never have I ever finished an entire jawbreaker.

319. Never have I ever been in handcuffs.

320. Never have I ever fallen asleep in the cinema.

321. Never have I ever done something I regret.

322. Never have I ever picked my nose in public.

333. Never have I ever taken part in a talent show.

How to play Never Have I Ever

Everyone sits around in a circle, one person begins saying the phrase "Never have I ever…" followed by a specific action or situation. Everyone who has done said action will have to drink, including the speaker. Be honest about it and don't lie! If no one drank in that round, the speaker has to drink twice. The turn then goes to the next person on the right, and so on.

Feeling dangerous and would like to take it up a notch? Try this added variation.

In front of every person, line up seven shots of your preferred alcohol (Tequila is a popular choice in this one). With every done action, the person has to drink a shot. The first person that drinks all seven shots before everyone else will have to accept a dare from the person who drank the least shots up until that point. If there's a tie, the people involved will have to share responsibility in either giving the dare or doing it. After the dare is successfully completed, everyone refills all seven shots and the game continues.

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Jhonny Ayrout

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